School of Nursing

Rochester, MI 48309-4452
(location map)
(248) 364-8733
M-F 8 a.m.-5 p.m. closed daily 12 p.m.-1 p.m.

woman in a white lab coat smiling, speaking to another woman in front of her


There are several student nursing organizations for you to join to network and contribute to community experiences. 以下是护理特定组织的当前列表, but you can find other university organizations or inquire about starting your own at  GrizzOrgs. 灰熊队是希腊生活和俱乐部运动的纽带.

The 韦德体育app官网学生护士协会(SNA-OU) offers nursing students a chance to provide leadership in the school, 指导护理预科学生并参与服务活动, 大学里的政治事件, 州级和国家级. 

Nursing and pre-nursing students are given the opportunity and encouraged 成为…的成员 密歇根护理学生协会 and the 全国学生护士协会, 哪些提供信息,网络,刺激 以及激动人心的挑战.

The 黑人学生护士协会 at Oakland University gives nursing students an opportunity to promote unity among minorities and other students by providing a support network for pre-nursing students as well as current nursing students. BSNA allows members to improve their networking skills and ability to work with others while educating and informing the community about health risks that affect minorities. 欲了解更多信息,请 请查看GrizzOrgs列表.

dean's circle

Each year, nursing students are invited to apply for membership in the School of Nursing Dean's Circle. The Dean's Circle is a select group of nursing students who serve as School of Nursing ambassadors. 

Participation in the Dean's Circle provides opportunities to develop teamwork and leadership skills by attending prospective student recruitment events, 协助学生服务活动, 参加南丁格尔颁奖宴会, 与院长和其他管理人员交流, and representing the School of Nursing at various university functions such as Go for the Gold and Grizzly Day. 

It is an opportunity for members to expand their role as a student and gain a unique perspective that will broaden their educational experience.
sigma theta tau
A very effective way to support nursing and its contributions to scholarships, research, 教学和教育是通过成为其中的一员而实现的 西格玛Theta Tau国际护理荣誉协会. 和所有荣誉社团的传统一样, individuals who qualify and who demonstrate leadership potential are recommended by current honor society members for membership. A recommendation for membership into Sigma Theta Tau of individuals with similar interests and accomplishments should be received with pride and recognized as a way to support nursing and its achievements.

Being inducted into Sigma Theta Tau National Honor Society signifies that one is a leader in the nursing profession and has demonstrated excellence or the potential for excellence and leadership. Being an honor society member does not mean someone is necessarily smarter or more advanced than a nonmember; rather, the member has made accomplishments of which he or she should be proud and is, therefore, 被公认为该领域的领导者.

Joining Sigma Theta Tau National Honor Society signifies one’s commitment to excellence in nursing and acknowledges the individuals achievements — whether academic or professional — that will make an impact on the profession and society. Membership in Sigma Theta Tau International is an invitation to join a family of nursing leaders around the world, gain global access to information and engage in opportunities to collaborate with nurses from many different states and countries.

The Theta Psi Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society at Oakland University School of Nursing recognizes that nurses who have graduated from nursing schools may not have had an opportunity to join this national honor society. Many of you are leaders and experts in your fields of nursing and should be recognized for that distinction. 通过一个人在研究等领域的成就, publication, leadership, clinical practice and education qualify an individual nurse to be considered for membership. 

Membership is by invitation to baccalaureate and graduate nursing students who demonstrate excellence in scholarship and to nurse leaders exhibiting exceptional achievements in nursing.
Student Nurses Association at Oakland University (SNAOU) is an organization for all nursing and pre-nursing students who are looking to get involved in their local nursing community. They offer various social events to meet and connect with other nursing students, 为社区提供志愿服务的机会, and meeting where students can learn more about all the opportunities the nursing career has to offer.





Rachel Stiteler

Vice President

Matthew Adamski


Abbie Tuomisto


Grace Edwards

Image & Breakthrough 

Isabel Arafat & Valeria Toubia


Julia Edmonds 

& Emily Gaedcke

Community Service

Ava Antonelli

& Jillian Rice

Social Events

Jason Jimenez & Giovanna Ivezaj & Kayla Patenaude 


Eve McKay 

& Phoebe Fraser


Diego Castillo & Annabel jefferies

Pinning Committee

Faith Steppes, Denye Super & Sasha Archer

Newsletter & Publicity 

Hailey Kuzminski & Chloe Warner


Hailey Kuzminski & Chloe Warner


Nursing and pre-nursing students are given the opportunity and encouraged 成为…的成员 密歇根护理学生协会 and the 全国学生护士协会哪些提供信息,网络,刺激 以及激动人心的挑战. View 最新奖学金机会.


黑人学生护士协会 at Oakland University gives nursing students an opportunity to promote unity among minorities and other students by providing a support network for pre-nursing students as well as current nursing students. BSNA allows members to improve their networking skills and ability to work with others while educating and informing the community about health risks that affect minorities. 欲了解更多信息,请查看GrizzOrgs列表.

The National Black Nurses Association (NBNA) was organized in 1971 under the leadership of Dr. Lauranne Sams, 前院长兼护理学教授, School of Nursing, 塔斯基吉大学, Tuskegee, Alabama. NBNA is a non-profit organization incorporated on September 2, 1972 in the state of Ohio. NBNA代表150,000名非裔美国注册护士, 持牌职业/实用护士, 来自美国的护理专业学生和退休护士, 东加勒比和非洲, 有92个特许分会, in 35 states.

The National Black Nurses Association’s mission is “to represent and provide a forum for Black nurses to advocate and implement strategies to ensure access to the highest quality of healthcare for persons of color”.